Monday, January 23, 2012


Color of the day: Red! Picture with my cutie patotie baby! 

Nana Shigyo and Leanna Samuelle. Plus Yanna's fountain hair! Lol cute!!

Lasagna for me! Yummiest!!!!

What the baby wants, the spoiled brat gets! 

The little girl loves to make faces! Her Mum is her complete opposite! 

A friend of mine commented on this photo saying, "Taba daw! Sabi ng Hot sauce." Oh well, idgaf!

The busiest baby and her No-I'm-So-Ugly-Don't-Take-Pictures-Of-Me Mom.  

Pizza! Nothing beats a pizza! Its my tummy's favorite!


With delicious topping over it. Nothing beats a pizza!

January 23.  

Spent happy-eating hours at Picobello. We had our Chinese new year lunch at Picobello, an Pizza-Pasta Italian restaurant at JS South mall.

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