Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Never felt this happy and proud before.

My baby! She's Part Japanese, Part Indian, Part Filipino. She was born last May 30th, 10PM at RLMC. Her mum, Nissa Angelica Noelle Limsiaco Shigyo, is of Japanese decent. My full name is Leonard Patrick Antonio Angsinco Carrillo. Combining our long names, and getting some ideas from our parents, we came up to a beautiful and perfect name for her, Leanna Isabela Samuelle Limsiaco Shigyo Carrillo. 
Leanna- from Leonard My dads name Leonard, my grand fathers name Leo, my first name Leonard and from my sisters' name Lea. Isabela- from my great grand mothers name. Samuelle- derived from Noelle, which was also her grand fathers name, Noel. And Samuelle was also from the bible, it means "God given, or gift from God". It took us months to finally decide what to name Chanchan. We call her Chanchan since she was inside her mums. The nick Chanchan came from the Japanese word, Akachan which means baby. and from Davao dialect "Tyan" which means tummy.

Thank you Lord for this cute little angel! Never been this happy, never been this proud. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

First baby, first post, first time.

Me and my daughter, Leanna Isabela Samuelle Limsiaco Carrillo. First photos!

First two photos were photos of Chanchan minutes after she came out. Photos 3, 4, and 5 were some of her  photos inside the nursery. Photos of Chanchan and Winona Carrillo, my mum. And the last photo, Leonard Patrick Antonio Carrillo and Chanchan. Adorkable! 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Just another piece of the puzzle.

Hey sups! My name is Eck. Nothing awesome about me. And my blog. And my life. And everything. Lol